The symposium will take place from 16 to 17 November 2023 in Rennes at Rennes 2 University.
Subject of the Synopsium
Social and educational uses of sport internationally have been the subject of increased social interest in recent years. The practice of "sport for development" in the Anglo-Saxon world is now a particularly dense sector to which a scientific field also belongs. In France, where practices are also developing, research work is rarer and more dispersed. This symposium aims to federate research on this object while initiating a dialogue with institutional and associative actors.
Topics covered:
Sport and international solidarity institutions.
International solidarity and geopolitical issues.
Discourse to practice: how are intentions translated into programs?
Usages of sport: which approaches for which objectives?
Grasp effects: evaluate or analyze?
Local contexts and cultural issues of programs.
Who are the organizers and why this synopsium ?
In 2016, Rennes 2 University created the Master’s degree in Development, Integration, Sport and Culture (DISC) for sectors using sport as social and educational support for vulnerable population. Some of these uses touch on international issues to which French sports science research has so far paid little attention.
Following exchanges between heads of the DISC Master's and researchers involved in the FSGT-Palestine project, the need emerged for meeting that would gather scientific, institutional and association actors. Hile English-language works are legion, French research is only just emerging despite the sector’s considerable and rapid growth. This situation requires structuring research within the social sciences of sport and building constructive relations with the socioeconomic actors involved in the sector.